Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Green Thinking

Andrew Winston writes in his management blog for Harvard Business about businesses like Toyota who were thinking "green" way back in the '90s when oil was at $17.00 a barrel.

Going "green"--taking steps to enhance and protect the environment--is very popular these days. My wife and I were registering for baby necessities yesterday and I was amazed at the number of baby products that were "green." I was also amazed at the number of books that are published to read to one's kid about the environment, ecology, and doing what one can to save the environment.

What about the ADR profession? Are professionals in the ADR community thinking "green"? I'm looking for input on this question because I don't have the answers. I'm thinking of more than replacing light bulbs and turning down (or up) the thermostat. What should we, as ADR professionals, be doing to go and think green? Should we? I'd like to hear from you.

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