Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Conflict Resolution

Ah, the holidays. Times where families get together after not seeing each other for months, perhaps. Food. Football. Conflict.

Yep, lots of conflict happens during this most wonderful time of year. Here's a great story from about "Holiday conflict resolution." It's worth a read. The story is based upon a post from

The articles list nine ways to resolve family conflicts. They are:

1. Respect everyone's ideas and needs.
2. Focus on the problem not the person.
3. Build power with, not over others.
4. Express feelings without blaming others (use “I” messages).
5. Own your part of the conflict.
6. Strategize to reach mutually agreeable solutions.
7. Create options ... having only one way always creates losers.
8. Listen so people will talk and talk so people will listen.
9. Solve the problem and build the relationship.

What do you think about this list? How would you use these principles in resolving conflict during this season?

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